저자 상세정보


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  • 소 속한국생산기술연구원
  • 직 업연구원
  • 직 위수석연구원
  • 전문분야기계공학
  • 세부분야microelectromechanical systems(MEMS) and nanotechnology

저자 소개

Youngkee Eun is a dedicated researcher contributing to the fields of microelectromechanical systems(MEMS) and nanotechnology. His efforts have focused on exploring potential applications of carbon nanotubes, including their use as dry adhesives and sensing elements. Eun has also ventured into energy harvesting research, working on hybrid systems that combine piezoelectric and electrostatic or thermoelectric mechanisms. In the area of MEMS devices, he has participated in studies involving microscanners, variable capacitors, and torsional resonators. While much work remains to be done in these complex fields, Eun's research has been fortunate enough to be published in respected journals such as Advanced Materials and ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. Through collaborative efforts with colleagues, he hopes to continue making modest contributions to the ongoing advancements in micro and nanosystems technology.

학력 / 경력 정보

  • 2013연세대학교 공학박사 - 기계공학
  • 2006연세대학교 공학사 - 기계공학


  • 논문

    Carbon nanotube-graphene hybrids for soft electronics, sensors, and actuators, Micro and Nano Systems Letters, 10, 9 (2022)